Thursday, September 06, 2007

Typhoon Fitow Update

TYPHOON FITOW [10W/0709]T2K PUBLIC ADVISORY NUMBER 026: As of 11:00 AM local (03:00 GMT) Thu 06 September Source: JTWC Warning #034 (US Navy/Air Force)

Typhoon FITOW (10W) nearing the coast of Southern Honshu...may reach Category 2 before landfall...inner rain bands now spreading across the coastline of Honshu.

Forecast Outlook: FITOW is expected to accelerate in a continuing northward track for the next 12 hours, reaching forecast winds of 160 km/hr. The core of FITOW shall make landfall near or just to the East of Shizuoka City around 11 PM - 12 MN Japan Time (JST) tonight and shall pass near or over Mt. Fuji, passing to the west of Metropolitan Tokyo around 2 to 3 AM JST tomorrow. The 2-day forecast calls for the system becoming Extratropical upon moving across the mountainous region of Central Honshu tomorrow evening (Sept 7) and shall exit Honshu via Hokkaido earlt Saturday morning, Sept. 8.

Its Initial Impact Forecast (IIF) --> Effects: FITOW's outer rain bands continues to spread across Southern Honshu and the eastern part of Shikoku. Cloudy conditions with winds and passing rains can be expected along these bands. Inner rain bands forecast to reach Southern Honshu this afternoon. People living around the slopes of Mayon Volcano in Albay especially along the area where possible LAHAR FLOWS (mixture of volcanic mud and water) are located - must stay alert as Moderate to heavy rains w/ some gale-force winds associated by this storm is possible today.--> Coastal Storm Surge flooding of 04 to 05 feet above normal tide levels...along with large and dangerous battering waves can be expected near and to the north of FITOW's projected path. Flash floods and mudslides are imminent along river banks, low-lying and mountainous regions of the affected areas. Precautionary measures must be initiated as the powerful system approaches.


Blogger Cristy said...

You're having a lot of weather fun. How bad did it get? I didn't want you to think I'd forgotten about you!!! I miss you!!

2:38 AM  

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