Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Tokyo, Japan

I will be in Tokyo, Japan from March 19th to the 30th. I got picked up around 4:30 AM half asleep and forgot to bring a jacket with me when I left my apartment. It is around 40 degrees here and I only brought short sleeve shirts, so I am freezing my butt off.

Other than that, it is good to be back here after living here previously for three years while in the Navy at Yokosuka Naval Base. I hope I will have some time to look around and take some pictures. The cherry blossoms are currently blooming and it is very pretty.

The area of Tokyo I am in is called Roppongi and Tokyo Tower, the largest man-made structure in Japan based on the Eiffel Tower, is a few blocks from here. I will try to get a picture of it when it stops raining. I picked up a Tokyo Pocket Guide and Metropolis Magazine which is published weekly and lists the events happening here.


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